looking for a medical escort?
Make us your first call
And find out if our flight nurse service is right for you.
Commerical Airline Transport – SkyKare provides commerical medical escort transport aboard a commerical airlines. This can be extremely cost effective in case of unexpected medical issue. Either in First Class / Business Class seat or if a strecter is needed, we can accomodate your needs.
Private Jet Transport – SkyKare also provides a remarkable concierage service to our higher elites. We provide you with some of most gorgeous jets to fly in style. You will feel and be treated like royality.
RV Transports – SkyKare has provided many RV transports, for those who can’t fly or simply do not want too. We transform our RV into one of the most comfortable transport vehicles you can ever find.
Here at SkyKare we establish the essencential need of ground transportation for our patients based on their medical assesment.
Ambulance, BLS or ACLS, non-medical transport transport which can still fill the need of a wheelchair or stretcher. Black car service is always a nice plus if you are just in need of a basic transport, we can even provide you with a Taxi Service to even more cost effective. Bottomline we get to your destination in the safest most cost efficent way with the service you need, want and deserve.
SkyKare has the most quailfied and experianced repatriation coordination team. We are available 24/7, which does include holidays. Our team is built to find the best in:
SkyKare’s Coordination Team will aquire all Medifs (fit-to-fly medical clearances), oxygen approval from the all major airlines, which also includes being in agreeance with all FAA rules and regulations. Our team can guarantee approval within hours, to put your mind ease. All SkyKare oxygen concentrators are approved and in compliance for commercial air travel.
Our Coordination team is fully trained and compliant when it comes to the handling of patient medical records and all patient privacy. Here at SkyKare Inc our staff follow all HIPPA regulations to ensure patient privacy is kept at all times, in the upmost professional way possible.
24/7 SkyKare is here for you, day or night, here to bring you home.
We work with multiple insurance companies to make life easier for you.
SkyKare is worldwide with multiple alliances around the globe
English, Spanish, French, Italian, Chinese, & Russian, we have a wide range of medical professionals who speak your language.
SkyKare has the highest quality of medical professionals to give you and your family the best medical care possible.
SkyKare provides bedside to beside service, from your hospital bed to bed at home, we will not leave your side.
And find out if our flight nurse service is right for you.
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